Eaton XTPR...DC1 Motor Protectors

The XTPR is a 3 phase thermal-magnetic motor protective device incorporating adjustable bimetal trips for motor overload protections and magnetic trips to de-energize the motor circuit in case of a short circuit.

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 XTPR...DC1 Basic Switches - Rotary handle manual motor controller type up to 65 Amps          
XTPR...DC1 Motor Protector Switch Selection Chart:
Photo Rated
Setting Maximum HP Three phase Catalog No. Price
Short Circuit
220V 240V 480V 600V Screw Terminals
16 10 - 16 224 3 5 10 10 XTPR016DC1 $202.00
25 16 - 25 350 7.5 7.5 20 25 XTPR025DC1 $202.00
32 25 - 32 448 10 10 25 30 XTPR032DC1 $224.00
40 32 - 40 560 10 10 30 40 XTPR040DC1 $238.00
50 40 - 50 700 10 15 30 - XTPR050DC1 $257.00
58 50 - 58 812 15 15 40 - XTPR058DC1 $257.0
65 55 - 65 882 15 15 40 - XTPR063DC1 $314.00

Accessories for Eaton XTPR...DC1 - Motor Protectors

Auxiliary Contact Block Selection Chart for XTPR...DC1:    
Photo Description Auxiliary Contacts NO/Early NC/Late Catalog No. Price
NO NC Make Break
Mounts on the right side of PKZM0. 1 1 - - XTPAXSA11 $21.80
May be used in combination with trip indicating contacts AGM 1 2 - - XTPAXFA12 $32.70
Mounts on the right side of PKZM0. 1 1 - - XTPAXSA21 $21.80
Front Mounted 1 1 - - XTPAXFA11 $18.20
Front Mounted 1 - - - XTPAXFA10 $12.70
Trip Indicating. May be used in combination with:
NHi11-PKZ0; NHi12-PKZ0, NHi21-PKZ0
1 - - - XTPAXSATR20 $36.40
Trip Indicating. May be used in combination with:
NHi11-PKZ0; NHi12-PKZ0, NHi21-PKZ0
- 1 - - XTPAXSATR02 $36.40
Front Mounted. Early Make 2 - - - XTPAXFAEM20 $36.40
Trip Units Selection Chart for XTPR...DC1:    
Photo Description Catalog No. Price
Under-voltage Trip for AC voltage XTPAXUVR $58.20
Under-voltage Trip for DC voltage XTPAXUVR $69.10
Shunt Trip for AC voltage XTPAXSR $58.20
Shunt Trip for DC voltage XTPAXSR $69.10
enclosure Ci-K4-PKZ4-G $76.40